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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Craig W. Hoeft, OD a proud provider of vision care products and services in Sylmar.

Craig W. Hoeft, O.D.

Dr. Hoeft is a graduate of Southern California College of Optometry. He’s been practicing in Sylmar for 20 years and as well in Burbank for the past twenty-two years, having grown up in the local community. He specializes in Lasik consultation, state-of-the-art contact lenses, including difficult-to-fit lenses. Dr. Hoeft is a member of Burbank Noon Kiwanis and the Burbank Chamber of Commerce. He and his wife, Jenny, are the proud parents of two daughters, who are active club soccer players. He is a licensed soccer referee and coaches girls’ soccer.

Dr. Hoeft is active with the California Optometric Association in various committees, as well as being a past President and current Board member of the San Fernando Valley Optometric Association

James Caballero, O.D.

Dr. Jim Caballero is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry and has been practicing in the San Fernando Valley and Santa Clarita area for years. He has extensive experience in contact lens fittings, and his previous positions included managing the contact lens department of a local Ophthalmology practice. Dr. Caballero is currently a member of the American Optometric Association , the California Optometric Association, as well as previously serving on the Board of the San Fernando Valley Optometric Society, as Secretary and Peer Review Officer. He is fluent in Spanish.

Rosa Madrigal

Rosa is our Office Manager, she has been with the practice for 25 years and runs the day to day operations of the office. Rosa is also one of the highly trained technician who works with the patients before and after they are seen by one of our very knowledgeable doctors. She also conducts contact lens training for our new contact lens patients. Rosa works along with Veronica with the running of the day to day operation of the office. She is the mother of two young men and new grandmother.

Veronica Flores

Veronica is the office technician. She is our onsite eyeglass repair person as well as conducting in the training of new contact lens patients. Veronica also works with patients before and after they are seen by one of our very knowledgeable doctors.  Veronica works along with Rosa with the running of the day to day operation of the office. She has been with our practice for 19 years. Veronica is mother to a young boy.